DAY 32 – Friday – And It’s The Weekend Again!
Well it’s cold and frosty outside but very, very pretty looking out of my office window. Had a much better nights sleep last night as I could actually breath so I think I’m over the worst now and back on the mend.
So we’re on day 32 of my weight loss experiment. That’s just 2 days left to get to 9 stone and I’ve still got 4 pounds to go to achieve the same results as I did 8 years ago – a one stone loss in 34 days. However I’ve said all along that I was going to be realistic about the experiment and when I did the Herbalife weight loss programme last time it was Spring time and much warmer so I’m sure I probably ate more salad type meals plus I was younger and I was out in the field whereas now I am home based so most definitely not as active ie I don’t burn off as many calories as I did then.
So I am still really, really, very pleased with the results so far and will carry on with the experiment until I reach 9 stone whether that takes me a further 36, 38, 40 or 50 days. That was the challenge at the beginning so we’ll see how long it actually does take me to get there. After all it’s the weekend again and who knows what will happen because I’ve got things happening that revolve around food, eating and socialising so I think I’d better hammer the fat blockers (Fibrebond) and ‘The More You Drink The More You Shrink’ metabolism stimulating beverage again don’t you!! Watch this space!
Have a great weekend.
STATS –Friday Morning
- Weight = 9 stone 4 – still going down – fantastic
- Measurements = 3 cm so far
- Breakfast = Lovely warm cappuccino Formula 1 protein shake
- Lunch = Lovely warm cappuccino Formula 1 protein shake
- Supplements taken = Formula 2 Multivitamin & Mineral Complex | Herbalifeline | XtraCal
- Drinks = 2 litres a combination of: Thermojetics Instant
Herbal Beverage | Herbal Aloe Concentrate or plain hot water - Alcohol Thursday Evening = three glasses of white wine & fell asleep
- Evening Meal Wednesday – three small spring rolls with chilli sauce and some spag bol
If you’d like any help or advice on weight loss please feel free to take a look at ‘Weight Loss Made Simple’ or visit my website at or if you’re local come and visit me at 97 Kent Road Harrogate HG1 2NH – make an appointment first as I’m in and out all day.
Please don’t forget to share my link on Facebook, Twitter or just by emailing it to your friends or simply leave me a comment below. Many thanks.
Fri, Feb 3, 2012
Weight Loss, Health & Fitness