DAY 25 – Friday – Well Actually it’s Monday!
I’m having to play catch up because my computer crashed really, really big style last week and I lost 2 of my drives which means I’ve lost lots of stuff, even stuff that was backed up!! So I’ve got lots and lots to catch up with so rather than just skip some posts I’m going to just report on what happens to the weight etc to give me a fighting chance of catching up with everything else.
Ok, see you tomorrow.
STATS –Friday Morning
- Weight = 9 stone 8
- Measurements = done
- Breakfast = Lovely warm cappuccino Formula 1 protein shake
- Lunch = Lovely warm cappuccino Formula 1 protein shake
- Supplements taken = Formula 2 Multivitamin & Mineral Complex | Herbalifeline | XtraCal
- Drinks = 2 litres a combination of: Thermojetics Instant
Herbal Beverage | Herbal Aloe Concentrate or plain hot water - Alcohol Thursday Evening = none
- Evening Meal Thursday – Chicken fillet, potatoe rostie and vegetables
If you’d like any help or advice on weight loss please feel free to take a look at ‘Weight Loss Made Simple’ or visit my website at or if you’re local come and visit me at 97 Kent Road Harrogate HG1 2NH – make an appointment first as I’m in and out all day.
Please don’t forget to share my link on Facebook, Twitter or just by emailing it to your friends or simply leave me a comment below. Many thanks.
Wed, Feb 1, 2012
Weight Loss, Health & Fitness