DAY 23 – Wednesday – Right Here We Go ….
Ah now it’s starting to drop again and I didn’t have the best or most nutritious meal last night either although I only had a small piece so I was pretty good and lovely it was too.
You’re probably noticing that on the occasions when I have not so healthy food I eat less of it, a smaller portion size than I would if it were a more healthy meal. This is one way that I am able to enjoy the foods that others in my family wish to eat whilst still controlling my weight. Everything in moderation as they say. But it’s true and by doing it this way I never feel like I am missing out. Yes I know if I did cut everything out the weight loss would be so much quicker but I want a normal life and normal socialising and I’ll get to my goal weight soon, you’ll see.
We’ve already established that my weight has gone down and is continuing to go down with a blip for totm but that’s just how it is. The main thing is it’s going down and I don’t feel like I’m on a diet which to be is worth everything. In fact the only thing that makes me aware of what I am eating is having to do the blog each day other than that I just get on with what I’m doing and eating.
Anyway until tomorrow …
STATS – Wednesday Morning
- Weight = 9 stone 9 1/4
- Measurements = still not done
- Breakfast = Lovely warm cappuccino Formula 1 protein shake
- Lunch = Lovely warm cappuccino Formula 1 protein shake
- Supplements taken = Formula 2 Multivitamin & Mineral Complex | Herbalifeline | XtraCal
- Drinks = 2 litres a combination of: Thermojetics Instant
Herbal Beverage | Herbal Aloe Concentrate or plain hot water - Alcohol Tuesday Evening = none
- Evening Meal Tuesday – Toad in the hole, new pots & veg. Small piece of birthday cake.
If you’d like any help or advice on weight loss please feel free to take a look at ‘Weight Loss Made Simple’
Please don’t forget to share my link on Facebook, Twitter or just by emailing it to your friends or simply leave me a comment below. Many thanks.
Wed, Jan 25, 2012
Weight Loss, Health & Fitness