Wed, Jul 27, 2011

Weight Loss, Health & Fitness

  • SumoMe


Last Monday saw the launch of the new Herbalife Herbal Aloe Concentrate in Mango flavour.  Herbal Aloe Concentrate original has been a very popular product for Herbalife for very many years now and it’s fantastic news that they’ve brought out an additional flavour.

Your Digestive System Is More Important To Weight Loss Than You Think!

It’s a common theory that if you have a poor digestive system then you’ll really struggle to lose weight.  So if you’ve been doing everything that you think you should be doing and the results aren’t happening then making a few tweeks to your digestion regime may well be the answer.

digestive system

Herbal Aloe Concentrate is one such product that you could include into your daily regime. it’s low in calories and has no added sugar.  It’s a delicious, refreshing and soothing drink that you can take by adding to either hot or cold water and the great news is that it also counts towards your daily water intake.  So if you don’t like drinking water then this is an absolutely brilliant way to overcome that problem aswell.

The Herbal Aloe Concentrate has a soothing effect on the inside of the body and helps to settle the villi inside the stomach.  Villi looks a little like soft coral or pasta fingers and as we make poor food choices with little nutrition contained within it, the tips of the pasta fingers (the villi) curl over and so can’t perform well.  Having a good digestive system from eating good nutritious food and using products like Herbal Aloe Concentrate helps to sooth and keep the fingers fully extended allowing them to do their job properly.

And, whilst you are at it why not add the Fibrebond into your daily regime too.  Fibrebond is a great product to assist with digestion, think of it like exfoliating your insides just like you would your skin to scrape off all the rubbish from the surface.  Fibrebond also has another benefit as it helps to stop a percentage of fat being absorbed into your body by enveloping itself around the fattier element of your food and then helping to eliminate it from your body quicker and before it has chance to be absorbed into your system – a definite must before a takeaway or meal out!

Digestive System Problems

Many people suffer from digestive problems without realising that this is what the problem is.  This can be due to many different factors such as stress, poor eating habits and lifestyle in general.  It can manifest itself in lots of different ways but some common ones are: heartburn, bloating, belching, flatulence,  general discomfort, Crohn’s, Colitis, diarrohoea, constipation, fullness, rectal itching, weak cracked finger nails, nausea, eczema, asthma and acne to name a few and there are many, many more.  Perhaps you or someone you know suffers from these syptoms and never really knew why.  We simply don’t realise how important it is to keep our digestive system in good working order.

For further information about either of the above products or the digestive system call me on 01423 529 708 or click here to visit my website.


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