Tweet Appetite Control, Increased Energy & Weight Loss Appetite control when losing or maintaining your weight can be a whole learning curve in itself yet once mastered can make all the difference to your success or failure. These days there is much debate as to whether an appetite suppressant should be used or not to […]
Continue reading...Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Tweet Rapid Weight Loss We are all guilty of wanting rapid weight loss when we first start on our weight reducing programmes but the truth is that they very rarely if ever work. The problem is that because your body loses the weight so quickly on a rapid weight loss program it doesn’t have time to […]
Continue reading...Thursday, January 27, 2011
Tweet SO WHAT IS A HEALTHY BREAKFAST? ANSWER – A HERBALIFE PROTEIN DRINK OF COURSE! Ever wondered why they promoted an egg, well that’s because it’s protein and protein helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer. This is what Weight Watchers have recently realised and hence this discovery has turned their point system upside down and they’ve had […]
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011