Do You Remember the Advertising Slogan … “Go to work on an egg”?

Thu, Jan 27, 2011

Weight Loss, Health & Fitness

  • SumoMe


Ever wondered why they promoted an egg, well that’s because it’s protein and protein helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer.

This is what  Weight Watchers have recently realised and hence this discovery has turned their point system upside down and they’ve had to change it all to reflect this knew found knowledge so that they can fall in line with their competitor giants like Health and Nutrition Company Herbalife who have been using virtually the same successful products for the past 30 years because they got it right in the first place by having protein as a major part of their diet plan from the start.  Makes you realise who knows what they are talking about doesn’t it!!

Get ‘The Edge’ Over Your Diet Colleagues By Using a Herbalife Protein Drink For Your Breakfast!

That said there is a way that you can have ‘The Edge’ over your colleagues in your diet class – pretty much whatever diet you are on.  How is that, I hear you ask … well you can still continue with your chosen plan but use a Herbalife protein shake or smoothie for your breakfast.  They are very filling, delicious, low in calories, low in fat, have slow releasing carbohydrates, the good kind and they keep you feeling fuller for longer. 

Whether You Want To Diet Or Not, Herbalife Really Is The Answer!

In fact whether you are dieting or not a Herbalife protein shake is perfect for a healthy nutritious and filling breakfast.  Personally I have a shake every morning because if I eat cereals or toast for my breakfast by 10.30 am I’m looking around for something else to eat whereas once I’ve had my shake, I don’t even think about eating until at least noon to 1pm. 

I have a Herbalife shake each morning not only because of it’s great taste and fantastic nutrition but also because I don’t want to snack mid morning on unhealthy foods and by having a shake it helps me avoid doing just that which in turn helps me maintain my weight just as it has done for the past 7 years now.

The new 2011 breakfast slogan should be ‘Go to work on a Herbalife shake’

If you’d like more information on why you should use a Herbalife Healthy Breakfast  then just give me a call 01423 529 708 or click here.  Go on why not give your body a nutritional treat! 

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