Day 9 – Wednesday – Weight Loss
Ok so I think my blogs are getting a bit too long so let’s try and cut them down a litte although it’s hard because there is so much I want to talk to you about.
Anyway here we are on Day 9 and back to 9stone 11 lbs as we were on Friday and so you can see how well the Herbalife weight loss programme works and why ‘me’ and ‘only me’ is the one sabotaging it somewhat! Partly deliberately to show you how it is still possible to get a good weight loss result whilst still eating normal regular food and socialising as we’ve discussed before but also to let you see how if you control your alcohol intake (my main problem over this week – too much socialising) together with your naughty treats and have a healthy evening meal your results will happen much quicker.
The other huge thing to keep in mind here is that I started out my weight loss experiment at around 10 stone which for a 5ft 7″ female isn’t overweight in the first place so my results are going to be less impressive than those of someone who is overweight or very overweight but still you will see how the weight loss programme simply slots into your life and without too much fuss or effort.
Weight Loss Testimonial
In fact I have a super testimonial here provided to me just this week so as a change today I thought I would pop it into this post. It’s from a lovely customer of mine who has done so, so well with her weight loss but who doesn’t want her stunning before and after photo shown but is quite happy for the text testimonial to be shared – she may well be reading this post too and if you are Dorothy well done to you. Pop us a comment in the box below! You have done so fantastically well, I’m very proud of you.
Dorothy’s Fantastic Weight Loss Journey
I have been overweight for many years but, after a year of stress with exams, work, etc, my weight had crept up to a point where I was now
obese and my body had slowed down dramatically. My energy levels were at an all-time low and even walking home from the tube was a struggle. And to top things off, I was two years away from 40 and realised I had to do something about it before it was too late.
I had tried Herbalife before, but couldn’t quite get past the 6 week mark, and always put the weight back on plus extra when I came off the products but I embarked on my Herbalife journey again in May 2011 and was supported tremendously by Rachel, initially in the 12 week bootcamp and then on a weekly basis. I felt my energy levels improving after the first few days and the weight loss was steady.
With a lot of support and advice from Rachel, I made it past the 6-week mark easily this time and found the programme much easier this time. Eight months later, I have lost 30kg (4.72 stone) and I feel
My hair, nails and skin have improved temendously and friends and
family are amazed at how good I look. I still have some way to go, but
Herbalife is now a way of life for me and there’s no doubt in my mind – I couldn’t have done it without the products. Thank you Herbalife!!!
Dorothy Gujral | January 2012
- Weight = 9 stone 11 lbs (ok so back to where we were on Friday)
- Measurements = still not done
- Breakfast = Lovely warm chocolate Formula 1 protein shake
- Lunch = Left over sample of a Formula 1 meal replacement bar mixed in with a milk chocolate protein bar – various flavours again
- Supplements taken = Formula 2 Multivitamin & Mineral Complex | Herbalifeline | XtraCal | Quickspark
- Drinks = 2 litres a combination of: Thermojetics Instant Herbal Beverage | Herbal Aloe Concentrate or plain hot water
- Alcohol Tuesday night = No alcohol.
- Evening Meal Tuesday night – Herby Pork with new potatoes , fine green beans and broccoli
Wed, Jan 11, 2012
Weight Loss, Health & Fitness