Weight Maintenance Experiment Turns Into Weight Loss Experiment

  • SumoMe

Day 2 – Energy Levels

Well, Day 1 is over and I have to say, it was a joy having my breakfast shake again, the simplicity, the taste, the feeling of satisfaction and the convenience all wrapped up in one small drink.  Having said that, lunch was a little more challenging being used to having whatever I want normally and Laura wanting baked bean toasties!

But not to worry, where there’s a will there’s a way!!  What I did was I ate my Formula 1 meal replacement bar with a cup of Thermojetics Instant Herbal Beverage (my life saver), took my supplements and then went and made her toastie which was much easier then because of course I wasn’t hungry anymore.  It’s far easier to say no to food when you’re not hungry yourself.

What Happened To My Energy Levels?

Before I get into this mornings results I just want to track back to December again and run through another issue that I noticed having come off my Herbalife maintenance programme for the month of December.

Yesterday I talked about how for the first few days I enjoyed a more traditional type of breakfast but then I noticed that I was quickly falling back into my old and terrible habbit of ‘skipping breakfast’ well one of the other issues I noticed was that my energy levels and concentration levels started to wither somewhat. Don’t get me wrong I’m not your typical jump out of bed first thing in the morning and spring into action because my energy levels are so high, type of person as all my friends and family will vouch for!  No I’m more the wake up, come round steadily, get up, have a couple of hot Thermo Beverages and then I’m ready to start the day type but once I’m up and running then generally my energy levels are great.

However, what I did notice very quickly into the experiment was that on an evening I couldn’t be bothered to do anything, everything was an effort, I just wanted to sit down, watch tv and fall asleep, my energy levels were getting lower and lower as the month went on.  Hereagain there’s nothing unusual about me watching tv on an evening with my family but generally I’ll be doing something else at the same time, paperwork, surfing the net, writing copy, researching something, writing Christmas cards, ironing, helping Laura or doing jobs around the house but during December I really didn’t have the energy to do any of that and found myself sitting, watching the tv and falling asleep (a task normally taken up by David not me!)

My Energy Levels Are Returning …

But listen to this, last night I’m happy to report, I spent the whole evening sorting out a display for an exhibition I’m doing on Friday.  In fact when David came in to see when I was going to go and sit down it was already 10 pm and I simply wasn’t ready to stop working yet – hooray my energy levels are returning!!!!

We just simply don’t realise or choose to forget what an effect food has or doesn’t have, as the case may be, on our bodies and why as we get older it is necessary to get a little bit of additional help through supplementation to top up what our day to day food fails to provide us with.  These days pretty much all Doctors agree that everybody should be taking a multivitamin supplement to help us reach our daily vitamin and mineral requirement.  The question is ‘which one should we take?’ Well I did a post on that very question some time ago called ‘What are vitamin supplements about & do we really need them?’ if you want to read it click here.

Tomorrow I’ll cover another issue that reared it’s head as I worked my way through my weight maintenance experiement.  I hope you’ll join me for Day 3.

And So On To The Results For Day 2 …

Yes I know it’s early days and our weight does fluctuate on a daily basis but what a brilliant start for Day 1.


  • Weight In Day 2 = 9 stone 12 1/4 lbs (a loss of 2 1/2 lbs – Hallelujah)
  • Body Fat = 31.8% (normal for age but I’ll be happier when it’s lower)
  • BMi = 22.2 (this is your height -v- your weight ratio and anything between 18.5 to 25 is classed as healthy so even at around 10 stone my BMi is fine) (If you’d like to know your BMi click here)
  • Measurements – to follow



Healthy nutritional Formula 1 Chocolate Shake  –  horray it was lovely!!!!!


Healthy nutritious Formula 1 Meal Replacement Bar – I’d forgotten how nice they were!

Supplements taken

Formula 2 multivitamin & mineral complex | Fibre & Herb | Herbalifeline | XtraCal


2 litres a combination of:  Thermojetics Instant Herbal Beverage | Herbal Aloe Concentrate or plain hot water

Energy LevelsEnergy Levels

Alcohol Units

Nil (2 non alcoholic beers)

Evening meal

Turkey, broccoli, cauliflower (little bit of cheese), gravy and mash potato and a few sweets left over from Christmas


If you’ve enjoyed this post and would like to follow the second part of my experiment ie my weight loss journey over the next 30 days then please do so and add any of your comments in the box below as we go.

Please also pass my link (http://www.rachelmooreonline.com) to any of your friends, family or work colleagues that you think may enjoy my weight loss journey too or simply Tweet or Facebook it – Thank you.

Alternatively if you or anyone you know would like help with increasing their energy levels, weight loss, weight maintenance, weight gain, sports nutrition, or general wellness then please don’t hesitate to call me on 01423 529 708 or click here for further information after all I’ve been helping clients improve their health for around 8 years now!

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