Day 10 – Back on Track Now …

Thu, Jan 12, 2012

Weight Loss, Health & Fitness

  • SumoMe

Day 10 – Thursday – The Perfect Breakfast , A Protein Shake

A good weight loss since yesterday’s so I’m pleased with that but no doubt it will differ again tomorrow but for now it’s all going in the right direction and I feel I’m back on track – until this weekend – hey ho!

One of my clients said to me last week that she thought I was very brave embarking on an experiment like this where I stood a strong chance of gaining weight and then in the next breath she also said, “you must have total confidence in the products!”  And of course I do and it’s that confidence that I want to get across to you.

I knew the chances were high that I would gain some weight during December purely and simply because I came off my breakfast protein shake which was my maintenance programme.  The same maintenance programme that has kep my weight stable for the past 8 years but you just never know do you I might have stayed the same weight or just gained a little but no, not me I had to go and put on one whole stone!!  If I had only gained a little or none at all then I would know that I didn’t need to continue with my breakfast protein shake as strictly in the future although of course I would never stop taking the protein shakes totally – I mean why would I, a breakfast protein shake is a perfectly balanced nutritional meal – the best breakfast I could ever choose to give my body.

Why Did I Come Off My Protein Shake

Well, I did think it would be a good way to remind myself of the bad habits I used to have before I used the healthy nutritional protein shakes and also it would also remind me how it feels to be back on the other side of the fence – as a client using the weight loss programme once again.

This hopefully will help me keep more in touch with how my clients  feel and what they are going through – a reminder of what it’s like taking two shakes each day as opposed to just one and having to say ‘no’ to things that I have got used to having that possibly aren’t that healthy for me.

A Protein Shake A Day Keeps The Doctor Away  …

Well maybe that’s a little too bold a statement but it’s got to help. Keeping your weight at a healthy level is one of the best things you can do for your health and it’s said that 70% of the people who visit their doctors because of illness are diet related.  Imagine that, if those 70% of people all started to take care about what they ate then there would always be appointments available when you needed one a the surgery!

protein shake

STATS – Thursday


If you or anyone you know would like one-to-one support to help them with their weight loss endeavours then please kindly pass my link onto them or get them to call me direct on 01423 529 708 .  Alternatively they can click here for further information on how my Weight Loss bootcamp/programmes work and how using a protein shake each day really is the secret to losing and then maintaing your weight forever!

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